Monday, February 12, 2007

Baby Shots

Look at that Hair!!!

And that boy... all he wants to do is climb Mt. Daddy!
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Anonymous said...

HIP HIP HORRAY.........THE BLOG IS BACK THE BLOG IS BACK THE BLOG IS BACK. Boy have I ever missed it, I don't know what we would have done without it if you both hadn't been so wonderful and given us part of your precious free( ?????) time to give us the live shows a couple of times a week. It really has been a very important part of our daily lives.. to go to the blog to see the latest pictures of them. It makes us feel close to them even though we are 1500 miles away. We feel involved in their lives (even if its to a small degree), and we hope that when we do finally see them that they will know who we are and let us hug and kiss them. Yea I know I'm a maudlin old Irish granny........ like it or not, you are stuck with me. But your old man feels the same way.

Anonymous said...

maybe in not quite so many words.

Anonymous said...

boy, her hair sure must be curly, it doesn't look near that long when you see her.

Anonymous said...

O.K. this was seven days ago. Not to be hoggish, but if you want us to keep maintaining the fever we must have more goods.