Well, we were down in SoCal for their birthday and for one nap she would not go to sleep so i had to resort to picking her up and trying to lay her down with me... It worked like a charm. She snuggled up against her daddy and went right to sleep. I had to suffer though, i had to lay there and pretend i was napping as well. After all, i did not want to get up and accidentally wake her up. So i bit the bullet and pretended to sleep

(Ok, i might have enjoyed my baby girl snuggling up to me just a little bit)

Christopher on the other hand... Slept the sleep of the dead. And the limbs hanging out of the crib... what does that remind me of?
It looks like she is just tired out from trying to roll the sea creature back into the surf.
You just stick to your story CM.
As for him, it reminds me of many many many years ago, and someone that I knew then
Now what does that remind me of - uh, let's see - a meat locker, maybe? (Sorry, couldn't resist - and have no room to talk.) It probably wasn't your good side anyway. Cute picture though.
If I didn't know better, I'd say Grandma was launching into a Jackie Collins novel there at the end of her comment. Either that, or she was leading a double life. In any case, I'd love to hear more.
Oh, sorry, I got sidetracked. This is all about the babies, isn't it?
I think Christopher gives new meaning to the words 'letting it all hang out'.
CM you just stick to your story, as your mother....of course I believe you are just acting asleep. Just remember grampa's favorite line
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