A view to a life that is discovering parenthood squared. Anastasia and Christopher Joined us on October the 26th 2005 (a month early i might add), and we want to share the experience with friends and family. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Are we bad parents?
OK, as he is still mainly scooching backwards and not crawling forwards, he gets into some odd positions. our first warning of these odd positions is usually a plaintive wailing from the living room not unlike a wounded cat. Does it make us bad parents if we take his picure first before rescuing him?
You had sterling examples to follow. We never left an awkward moment undocumented.
Personally, I think you're smart parents - recording all their dopey moments. It'll give you something to laugh about later - when they're cool teenagers and think the world revolves around them - and you could use a few laughs.
This blog started out as a means to pass on pictures of our new babies to friends and family. Over time its purpose has changed, it has evolved from a means of passing on pictures of our babies into a running diary of their lives. As time goes on we hope to capture their best moments and good wishes from the family. So we hope that you enjoy this, a tribute to Anastasia and Christopher Gillespie, born Oct 26 2005.
You had sterling examples to follow. We never left an awkward moment undocumented.
Its all about learning...now get up and walk so you don't get into situations like this my boy
You suppose he's marching - uh, crawling - to a different drummer? Or simply retreating from the inevitable one step-two step-plop?
Personally, I think you're smart parents - recording all their dopey moments. It'll give you something to laugh about later - when they're cool teenagers and think the world revolves around them - and you could use a few laughs.
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