Sunday, August 20, 2006

Helpin Daddy unwrap.

It may look like they are helping me unwrap... But they kinda suck at it. Although they like to try to eat the packages!

This was fun. He got the present in his mouth and i cannot believe HOW FAST he managed to get the paper completely soaked!

This was also fun... When we tried to remove the present from her hands at least :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I like the total absorption in the job at hand. Have slobber, will travel

Anonymous said...

what every child learns at a very early age......ANY PRESENT IS MINE!

Anonymous said...

You guys actually went to the beach? I don't think we went to the beach until the kids we're 2yrs. old. I know our gift (Leo picked it out)and card was late but I do hope you got it. Hope you had a nice day. Take care.