After many attempts and not great success with the sippy cups, we are having wonderful progress. The twins are really starting to understand the fluid dynamics involved... Roxanne (after careful analysis of the root issues) has figured out the secret. Get them to lie back and let gravity help out.

Anastasia is getting the hang of things, but really prefers just waving the cup around. But of course she has to have a toy in the other hand and her feet sticking up in the air.

Either way though, their progress is excellent. They are progressing towards sippy cup graduate work. And mommy can now sit them down with the cups and get some other things done.
**Is this better mssr. oo bop shabam?**
she looks like she is going to be a circus performer when she grows up......he just looks can you deprive this poor little boy.
'doing good'? doing good'? surely not. So many teachers lost their minds teaching you the language, can't we do it right for their sakes.
much better, much better. Don't think of it as criticism,simply guidance. That's right Mom we're channelling you.
legs wide open like a good girl love to take off her nappy, see her c--t then lick it for her
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