I found myself thinking about that clever little bugger Mr. Miyagi.
If you have seen the Karate kid, (the first one, not those silly ones that followed) you will recall him using Ralph Macchio in some old good child labour only for us to find out later that he was really teaching him to kick some ass by washing and waxing his car.
Well, why am I ranting about an old 80's movie you ask... I am glad you asked. I was watching Roxanne feeding the babies the other day and as I saw the amazing technique that she has, I find myself thinking of another cool task that she will be well trained to perform.
When she feeds the babies, the spoon gets inserted into mouth. Then (as there is always some leakage) she deftly turns the spoon sideways and cleans off the lower lip and dumps the food in the babies mouth.
As I watched this I thought... She should be a mason. Experienced bricklayers cannot do things this smoothly. Now for the task I might be able to trick her into. (a la Miyagi) I have always wanted a custom BBQ. I think that with her newfound skills, she could do an amazing job of building it for me. Of course I will take care of mixing the mortar (although she is also really good at making the oatmeal in the AM) and doing all the heavy lifting of the bricks. But she could crank out the structure in no time.
What do you think???