Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why is this baby crying????????????

Well, the days of sweet little angels sleeping and then sort of waking up to feed and then drifting right back to sleep are OVER!

While they are still sweet little angels and they do sleep a fair bit... We are now in the era of them crying for no apparent reason. And then when you calm them and carefully
lay them down... They start again.

Now I am not going to try to pretend that my massive intellect and superior cognitive reasoning skills are going to somehow get me through this and find the somewhat elusive solution that has been tantalizing researchers for eons. Besides, after the first week with no more than 4 hours of sleep a night, making instant oatmeal taxes my synaptic load to the breaking point.

It is a truly terrible thing to hear your child cry. It is even worse to not know why they are crying. Even worse is when you find your inner voices getting angry with the child. It is never good when both participants in the game of "calm the baby" reach overload frustration level.

But all is good. The babies eventually go to sleep, and one day in the future Roxanne and I will get 8 hours of sleep.

I still cannot find their instruction manual though! No luck with google either.


Anonymous said...

have you forgotten about doctor spock? No, not the guy with the ears. Kept your mother and I sane when you were doing your thing, If all else fails, get yourself some ear plugs but don't tell Roxanne. Wonderful what a few days of sleep can do.

Anonymous said...

you are doing really good. words with more than 4 letters.... very impressive, you are not yet a stuttering idiot.. wait for it, it;s coming.Nice rant, you get better every day. In case you are not sure it is called "the joys of parenting". keep em coming, enjoy them all

Anonymous said...

Many were the nights that Kim and I held each other tight trying to resist getting up to see what was wrong with the baby (Babies) No matter what the professionals say, the fact is: Babys Cry! And sometimes for no reason at all, and sometimes you just have to let them cry. Yes, make sure they are fed & changed & burped etc... Then, just let them cry. It may just be the hardest thing you ever have to do, it does break your heart. But the alternative is to drive yourselves crazy trying to figure out why they are crying and that is not logical or productive.
So just know that you guys are doin' a great job and that we miss you during these holidays and look forward to seeing you soon. Adios!