Friday, October 28, 2005


Having babies is a wonderful thing. However, there are so many things that can go wrong, every single test is an ordeal.

The other day, we had to do a hearing test. It took about 20 minutes to do it. The whole time my brain runs through every single possible thing that might be wrong. It tears you up. When the machine finally goes ding and they tell you the test is finished and they passed... Whew, what a relief! Now when the other twin goes for the test, you go nuts again. And even worse, you compare the status so far (of a test you know NOTHING about) of the other baby who took the test. Talk about a dumb way to drive yourself crazy.

Then there are the other tests. Anastasia has been looking a little coloured so they took a new test this morning and they are a little concerned about the possibility of Jaundice. So she has to spend the night under a special bank of lights to help out her liver function. Something being possibly wrong with your baby is the most terrible thing a person can go through. I hear the doctor tell us that it is common and nothing to worry about... But it still tears your heart out.

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