Who can tell if i have already changed a diaper?

A view to a life that is discovering parenthood squared. Anastasia and Christopher Joined us on October the 26th 2005 (a month early i might add), and we want to share the experience with friends and family. Enjoy.
1 comment:
Hey Chris, congratulations on your new arrivals. They are adorable, you should post more photos.
I hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait for you to bring them by the office some day. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to call us here in Technical Support.
Me: Technical Support, this is Casey, how can I help you?
You: Yes my baby is crying.
Me: Ok, I need you to open a DOS window and type "ping -t baby.gillespie.com"
You: huh?!?!
Me: Never mind that now, we must establish communication.
You: The baby doesn't talk, but she does have gas and occasionally says "goo"
Me: do you have a null modem cable?
You: No, but I have a binky.
Me: I'm going to need you to locate the side tabs and open the diaper, don't worry, it won't void your warranty.
You: Oh Crap.
Me: What is it? What do you see?
You: baby crap, and lots of it, it's a dirty diaper.
Me: Would you characterize it as Blue or Amber in color?
You: More like nuclear-green.
Me: We need to send you out a know-good replacement diaper, your RMA # is 1234, tracking information will be sent to your email.
You: can you provide instruction on changing a diaper?
Me: No sir, you will have to contact a family member to assist you with that.
You: You're a big help, thanks for nothing.
Me: Thank you for calling technical support, have a great day.
You: Idiot.
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