Tuesday, October 14, 2008

THose kids

This picture was taken while he was actually asleep. He naps pretty poorly lately, generally falling asleep just as we have to wake him up. today was no different. i went in to get him up and this was how he was asleep. and i am talking FAST ASLEEP. when i went to wake him up by tuggin on his legs gently for a little bit... he just flopped forward on his face. it was pretty funny.
Here they were at Chuck E Cheeses tonight... they were just a little transfixed staring at the HUGE animatronic Chuck E Cheese. Personally, if i was a two year old, i would be more than a little freaked out by those things.

Please notice that Christopher has the same darn expression. Ach... that boy!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the picture of him sleeping

they have such a look of wonder on their faces.........priceless

granny g