Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A milestone for Daddy

November 5 2006. After 375 days of formula... MILK! REAL HONEST TO GOD MILK!!! No more making formula until the wee hours of the night. (and costco has a much better price for 2 gallons of milk than for the cans of formula powder!Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Daddy is so happy. Let's see how happy he will be when the kids get older and start gunning down a gallon per sitting. I think somebody used to race his brother to see how fast they could suck it up. And then compete to see who could make the most disgusting sound afterward.

Anonymous said...

Funny......I have a funny feeling that I have been in the location before.......I'm surprised that sterilizer is still operational after all the use it has had in the last year.