Well, as with all the birthday photos thus far, there is a great back story. So we got out the golden disney ears to warm them up for their upcoming 1 year birthday trip to disneyland and wanted to sit them on the couch and see if we could get them to laugh. In order to do this, Roxanne remembered a little toy that Aunt Rachel and Cousin Michelle had sent a few months back. there was a duck and a horse puppet "thing" that when you opened and closed the mouth made an "animal appropriate" sound. We had put them away as the noises kind of frightened the babies. Well, the noises no longer frighten the babies. Christopher started laughing so hard that he started falling off the couch. As we are trying to squeeze off the perfect picture, we have to balance between him laughing hysterically, her staring at him trying to figure out what is going on and him leaning forward to grab the duck.

All in all though, cute pics.
Christopher: "This is my kind of action."
Anastasia: "He can have his action. This is just not my thing."
what a great couple of pictures. Really shows up the different personalities that are developing.
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