Saturday, July 29, 2006

Learning to share.

It is not enough that they have their own binky... They want each others! Roxanne even once caught Christopher with his binky in his mouth, and Anastasia's in his hand. And he was confused as he kept trying to jam hers into his mouth. Confused as there was already one there. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

somebody needs to learn about sharing, and not stealing your sisters binkie....shes older than you and is gonna get you for it

Anonymous said...

trying to take over all the binkies? Migod he's going to be a lawyer

Anonymous said...

This picture is funny. Victoria used to take 2 pluggies(pacifiers)to bed. She had one for the mouth and one to hold on for security reasons. We had this bucket that would sit on her dresser that held the pluggies. Nap time and bed time we would make the stop at the bucket and when she would wake up the pluggies would go back in the bucket. Of course she was older when this process was happening.