Saturday, March 25, 2006

The value of pictures

Right now, this picture is very important. At any time when a child is driving you nuts it is nice to think of them at the opposite of that moment.

You see, Anastasia woke us up at 2:30 in the am, and then kept us awake for a while. She did this by obsessing over her pacifier, and just generally squawking in a very loud voice. Then we got them up at 7 (she was already up and had kept daddy awake since 6) to feed them. After the feeding her brother fell asleep again and I have spent the last two hours sitting with my foot on a damn bouncy chair keeping her moving. If I stop, nobody will sleep.

So it is important to have pictures like this that I can look at and marvel at how beautiful and precious my two little babies are. And to be reminded that she does indeed sleep sometimes.

Ah but I love them both so.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Its moments like this that keep you from killing the little darlings before their 2nd birthday. Here speaks the voice of experience.

Anonymous said...

Janice and Earl think babies and the blog are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.