Well, all the time we get asked, "how is Christopher doing?" and we are never sure how to answer since with autism it is always a game of some progress in one area, some regression in another. So hard to measure sometimes.
Well today i had yet another interminable meeting with the school district, but in the middle of it all, i had a few things that Christopher had done passed on to me and i wanted to list them here because they are great.
One of the things with kids with autism is trying to get them to do "representational play" where they mimic life with toys and then tell you about it.
Apparently Christopher was recently playing with a house and some of its components and he took a couch, placed it. Got a table and a tv and placed them as in a living room. THen got a child and a grownup and put them on the couch and then looked the teacher straight in the eye (dont even get me started on that!) and said "Snuggle on the couch!"
At a later point he did the same thing and then looked teacher in the eyes and said "watch a movie?"
While these things are normal for everyday kids, these are MASSIVE steps for our little guy. I have to say it even brought a tear to my eye.
Of course once i had to get back into the discussion with the school district, the tear was replaced rather quickly with frustration.
So if i am asked the question again... he is doing great!